Right on target. These tactics are the antithesis of conservatism

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Between Seth Eisenberg, and Fred Propheter you might find yourself a quarter of a brain cell taken from Joe Biden. That’s saying something right there. They push their ideas and agenda using the tentacle which used to be a conservative thought provoking read. Now it’s nothing more than the propaganda arm of the FCCC. All one has to do is see who is behind this. Nothing more than toxic Cindy Rose. First they bashed a good, honest candidate I once supported. Now they trash anyone who doesn’t agree with them. They call us RINOs, but at the end of the day the people shaming the Republican Party are those who say that public infighting is a problem while penning articles in the tentacle which points fingers and is exactly the infighting that they ramble on about as horrible actions to partake in. They at least used to have direction under former leadership. I didn’t always agree with them, but the former leaders never would have doxed people, and although I didn’t always agree with them, we had a mutual agreement of civility between the leaders. Fred and Seth are seriously loose cannons.

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